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Bull Shoals, Arkansas

April 1997

These pictures are a little small. I reduced their sizes so they would load faster, but they really wound up too small.

  1. Ray on Bull Shoals Lake with a Largemouth Bass
  2. Ray on the White River with a Rainbow Trout
  3. Scott on the White River with a German Brown Trout
  4. Scott on the White River with a Rainbow Trout
  5. Bull Shoals Dam Seen from the White River
  6. Putting into the White River at the State Park Trout Dock
  7. Putting into the White River at the State Park Trout Dock
  8. Putting into the White River at the State Park Trout Dock
  9. Motoring up the White River in the Morning
  10. Stopping along the White River for a Shore Lunch
  11. Guides Preparing a Shore Lunch
  12. Taking out of the White River at the Cotter Trout Dock
  13. Taking out of the White River at the Cotter Trout Dock
  14. Inside Cabin 7 at the Dogwood Lodge

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