The Program

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Please see the Acknowledgment of Error at the bottom of this page.

This page contains an overview of the program (read.c) that was used to test text file processing. The source code and the sample text files are also available:

  • View the source code in your browser.
  • Download the source code and text files.
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Program Objective

The program attempts to read a text file line-by-line and print out exactly what it read for each line. The output is in the form of a modified "hex dump" that may be compared directly to the actual contents of the input files. All characters read are retained in the output, including any line terminators and other special characters. The program doesn't "do" anything with the data in the text files; it merely displays what it read.

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The syntax for running the program is:

read FileName OpenMode ReadFunction

where: FileName     = Text file to read

       OpenMode     = "t" for text mode, or
                      "b" for binary mode

       ReadFunction = "fscanf", or
                      "fgets",  or
                      "fgetc",  or

All arguments are required. Don't include the quotes. OpenMode and ReadFunction must be in lowercase. All output is written to stdout, so you may redirect the output to a file.

The C read functions used are contained in separate functions within the program, and each is implemented differently. The remainder of this page briefly describes each function.

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Reading with fscanf

The program attempts to read a line from the text file with the following function call:

  fscanf(input, "%s", output);

This will work provided that the text file does not contain any space characters. Since the sample text files do contain a space in one of the text strings, fscanf() cannot read the files properly.

As I indicated previously, fscanf() is a poor choice for reading most text files. No output is included here for this function.

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Reading with fgets

The program attempts to read a line from the text file with the following function call:

  fgets(output, MAX_REC_LEN, input);

"MAX_REC_LEN" is a symbolic constant defined in the program as:

  #define MAX_REC_LEN 1024

This allows fgets() to read records of up to one kilobyte in length (actually, 1K - 1, since one character is reserved for the null-terminator). This is more than adequate for the sample files, but a "real" application should account for the possibility of larger records (and they do occur).

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Reading with fgetc

Since fgetc() only reads one character at a time, we can't return an entire line using only one function call. To read an entire line using fgetc(), the program repeatedly makes the following function call:

  iThisChar = fgetc(input);

and accumulates the output in a character array.

It continues reading one character at a time until it encounters the first character following a CR or LF that is not a CR or LF (or reaches the end of file). It assumes that everything up to (but not including) this character is part of the current line.

As a result, the function will not read blank lines correctly. It will include all successive CRs and LFs as the trailing characters on the current line. A "real" application should take this into account.

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Reading with fread

In this program, the logic behind reading a line with fread() is similar to that of fgetc(), except that instead of reading one character at a time from disk, it makes the single function call:

 fread(cFile, lFileLen, 1, input);

to read the entire file into the array cFile. It still parses one character at a time, but it does it from the array rather than from disk, which is significantly faster.

The program dynamically allocates the size of the cFile array, so we don't need to know the size of the file in advance. Of course, it's possible that there may be insufficient memory to read in an entire file. See the source code for more information.

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Acknowledgment of Error

Several people have pointed out an error in the T_fread() function, to wit...

I use calloc() to allocate memory for a local variable, but do not explicitly release the memory with the free() function. This causes a memory leak because, although the variable is released at the end of the T_fread() function, the memory is not deallocated automatically.

To correct this, please add the line:


before the 'return' statements in T_fread().

I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused, along with any threat to national security, the environment, the price of gasoline, the spread of AIDS, global hunger, or the extinction of any species of animal, plant, or microorganism.